


The scroll-snap-align CSS property is used to control the alignment of scroll snap points within a scroll container. It allows you to specify how the scroll container aligns its content when it is scrolled or snapped to specific positions.

The scroll-snap-align property accepts various values, including keywords and coordinate values. Here are some commonly used values:

  • none: This is the default value. No alignment is applied to scroll snap points.
  • start: The scroll container aligns its snap points to the start of the scroll container’s scrollport.
  • center: The scroll container aligns its snap points to the center of the scroll container’s scrollport.
  • end: The scroll container aligns its snap points to the end of the scroll container’s scrollport.

Here’s an example:

.scroll-container {
  scroll-snap-type: x mandatory;
  scroll-snap-align: center;

In this example, the .scroll-container class sets the scroll-snap-align property to center. It ensures that the snap points within the scroll container are aligned to the center of the scrollport when the container is scrolled or snapped to specific positions.

It’s important to note that the scroll-snap-align property is typically used in conjunction with the scroll-snap-type property to enable scroll snapping behavior. The scroll-snap-type property specifies the scrolling behavior, while the scroll-snap-align property controls the alignment of the snap points.

The scroll-snap-align property is useful when creating scrollable interfaces with snap points, such as image carousels or paginated content. It allows you to define how the content aligns when snapped to specific positions, enhancing the scrolling experience and providing visual cues to the user.