


The text-size-adjust CSS property is used to control the adjustment of font size based on the available space on a device or within a container. It primarily applies to mobile devices and helps maintain the legibility and readability of text when users zoom in or out on a webpage.

The text-size-adjust property accepts the following values:

  • auto: This is the default value. It allows the browser to automatically adjust the text size based on the user’s zoom settings.
  • none: Disables any automatic adjustment of text size when users zoom in or out. The text will remain at the original size, even if it may overflow the container or become illegible.

Here’s an example:

.body-text {
  text-size-adjust: auto;

In this example, the .body-text class sets the text-size-adjust property to auto, allowing the browser to adjust the text size based on the user’s zoom settings.

It’s important to note that the text-size-adjust property mainly affects the behavior of mobile browsers and may not have a significant impact on desktop browsers. Its purpose is to help maintain consistent and readable text size when users zoom in or out on mobile devices, especially when dealing with responsive designs or viewport units.

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of text-size-adjust can vary between browsers and platforms. Additionally, it’s important to consider the overall design and layout of your webpage to ensure proper legibility and readability, even when users adjust the text size or zoom level.

The text-size-adjust property can be particularly useful for mobile-friendly designs, ensuring that text remains legible and accessible for users who prefer to zoom in or have visual impairments.