


The <code> HTML element is used to markup and display a section of inline code within a document. It is commonly used to represent snippets of programming code, HTML tags, or other types of computer code.

Here’s an example of how to use the <code> element:

  To display a message in JavaScript, you can use the
  <code>alert()</code> function.

In this example, the <code> element is used to mark the alert() function as a snippet of code. By using the <code> element, the code is visually distinguished from the surrounding text, making it easier to identify and understand.

The <code> element is typically rendered using a monospaced font, and it may preserve whitespace and line breaks within the code snippet. This helps maintain the formatting and readability of the code.

You can style the appearance of the <code> element using CSS, such as adjusting the font, color, background, or adding borders or padding to make it stand out.

It’s important to note that the <code> element is primarily used for marking up small sections of inline code. For larger blocks of code or complete code examples, it’s recommended to use the <pre> element in combination with the <code> element or consider using dedicated code formatting or syntax highlighting tools or libraries.