


The <dfn> HTML element is used to mark up the definition of a term within a document. It stands for “definition” and is typically used to indicate the term being defined and provide additional information or context about that term.

Here’s an example of how to use the <dfn> element:

<p>The <dfn>HTML</dfn> stands for HyperText Markup Language.</p>

In this example, the term “HTML” is wrapped in the <dfn> element to mark it as a defined term. It helps distinguish the term from the surrounding text and indicates that it has a specific meaning within the context of the document.

The <dfn> element does not automatically provide any visual styling, but it can be styled using CSS to make the term stand out or appear differently from the surrounding text.

Additionally, the <dfn> element can be combined with other elements, such as <abbr> or <cite>, to provide further information or formatting for the term being defined.

It’s important to note that the <dfn> element should be used to mark up the definition of a term, not to simply highlight or emphasize a word or phrase. Its purpose is to provide semantic meaning and clarify the intended meaning of a specific term or concept.