


The <em> HTML element is used to mark text that should be emphasized or stressed within a document. It typically represents text that needs to be emphasized for semantic or contextual reasons.

Here’s an example of how to use the <em> element:

<p>It is <em>essential</em> to save your work frequently.</p>

In this example, the word “essential” is wrapped in the <em> element to indicate that it should be emphasized. By default, the emphasized text is typically rendered in italic style, but the actual rendering can vary depending on the browser and CSS styles applied.

The <em> element is meant to convey the importance or significance of the enclosed text, rather than applying a specific visual style. It provides semantic meaning to the document, helping assistive technologies and search engines understand the intended emphasis.

It’s important to note that the <em> element should be used for semantic emphasis rather than purely presentational purposes. If you only want to style text with italics, consider using CSS properties such as font-style: italic instead.