


The <footer> HTML element represents the footer section of a web page or a section within a document. It typically contains information about the author, copyright notice, contact information, related links, or any other relevant details related to the document or the website.

Here’s an example of how to use the <footer> element:

  <p>&copy; 2023 My Website. All rights reserved.</p>
  <p>Contact: info@example.com</p>

In this example, the <footer> element wraps a couple of <p> elements that provide copyright information and contact details. The content within the <footer> element is usually placed at the bottom of the document or the relevant section, serving as a concluding or supplementary section.

The <footer> element is a semantic element that helps structure the content of a webpage. It can contain various types of content, such as text, links, images, or even nested elements, depending on the specific information or functionality you want to include.

By default, the <footer> element does not imply any specific styling. You can apply CSS styles to customize its appearance, such as setting a background color, adjusting the text size or color, or aligning the content within the footer section.

In terms of accessibility, the <footer> element helps screen readers and other assistive technologies identify and navigate the footer content separately from the main content of the page.