


The <td> HTML element is used to define a data cell within a table. It represents a single data entry or piece of content within a row of a table.

Here’s an example of how to use the <td> element:

    <td>John Doe</td>
    <td>New York</td>

In this example, three <td> elements are used within a single <tr> element to represent the data cells in a table row. The first <td> contains the name “John Doe,” the second <td> contains the age “30,” and the third <td> contains the city “New York.”

You can add more <td> elements within the same <tr> element to represent additional data cells in the row. Similarly, you can create more rows using the <tr> element to structure the table with multiple rows and columns.

The <td> element is often used in conjunction with the <tr> (table row) and <table> elements to create tabular data. It is important to wrap the <td> elements within a <tr> element to maintain the proper structure and semantics of the table.

You can also use additional elements within a <td> element to style or structure the content, such as headings, paragraphs, or nested tables.

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