According to Google Search Central, having multiple h1 elements on a page is not bad for SEO. This video does a great job explaining more details about this topic.

Generally, your heading should follow a clear hierarchy when defining content on your page. Here’s an example of what this means:

# Main subject
Defines something about the main subject

## Key point
Key point to support your main subject

## Key point
Key point to support your main subject

### Sub section
### Sub section
### Sub section

In this example, the main subject is what the article or piece of content is describing. The key points will support your main topic and you can have sub sections which support your key points. In this hierarchy, <h1> is the main subject, <h2> is a key point, and <h3> is a sub section.

Avoid using multiple <h1> elements on a page if you are using various levels of header elements.