Nofollow links are an integral part of SEO and web content strategy. They instruct search engines to not follow a particular link, impacting how the link contributes to the site’s search engine ranking. This post will explore what nofollow links are, their significance in SEO, and how they operate.

The Nofollow Attribute

A nofollow link is created by adding a rel="nofollow" attribute to the HTML code of a hyperlink. This attribute tells search engines that the link should not influence the ranking of the link’s target in the search engine’s index.

HTML Syntax

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Example Link</a>

In SEO, “link juice” refers to the value passed from one site to another through hyperlinks. Nofollow links do not pass link juice, which means they don’t contribute to the search engine ranking of the linked page.

Preventing Spam

Nofollow attributes are often used in situations where user-generated content (like comments on a blog or forum posts) could include links of questionable value or relevance. This helps site owners prevent spammy links from impacting their site’s ranking.

When links are used for advertisements or are part of a paid sponsorship, they should be marked as nofollow to comply with search engine guidelines. This maintains the integrity of search engine results.

Search Engine Crawlers

Search engines use crawlers to index the web. When a crawler encounters a nofollow link, it understands that it should not follow that link for indexing purposes.

Impact on SEO

While nofollow links don’t directly contribute to a website’s search engine ranking, they can still be valuable. They can drive traffic to a site and contribute to its visibility, albeit indirectly.

Use When Appropriate

Apply the nofollow attribute to links that you don’t want to endorse or that don’t contribute to your site’s value, like user-generated content or paid links.

Balance is Key

While nofollow links are important, having a natural mix of nofollow and “dofollow” links is essential. An overuse of nofollow links can appear unnatural and may affect your site’s credibility.

Regular Audits

Conduct regular audits of your site’s links to ensure that nofollow attributes are used appropriately and that they align with your SEO strategy.


Nofollow links are a crucial aspect of SEO, offering control over how external links affect your site’s ranking. By understanding and appropriately utilizing the nofollow attribute, website owners and content creators can effectively manage their site’s SEO and maintain the integrity of their link profile.