If you’re a front end web developer, then you’ve probably heard of an IDE, or Integrated Development Environment. In short, an IDE is a software application that helps developers create, test and debug their code. But what exactly does an IDE do? Let’s take a closer look.

An IDE typically has a code editor, a compiler or interpreter, and a debugger all built into one application. This means that you can write your code, compile it to check for errors, and then debug it all within the same program. IDEs are designed to make the developer’s life easier by providing all of these tools in one place.

There are many different IDEs available on the market, so it’s important to choose one that’s right for you. Some IDEs are specific to a certain programming language while others can be used for multiple languages.

And of course, there are also IDEs that come with a host of other features like support for version control systems and plugins to extend functionality.

The important thing is to find an IDE that works well for you and your workflow. The best way to do this is to download a few different IDEs and try them out for yourself. See which one you’re most comfortable with and go from there.

What are some IDEs that are available right now?

  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Sublime Text
  3. Brackets
  4. Phoenix
  5. Notepad++
  6. Vim
  7. Emacs
  8. NetBeans
  9. Eclipse
  10. IntelliJ IDEA