


The <h3> HTML element is used to define a tertiary heading within a web page or a subsection of content. It represents a subheading that carries less prominence than both the main heading (<h1>) and secondary heading (<h2>).

Here’s an example of how to use the <h3> element:

<h3>Our Team</h3>

In this example, the <h3> element is used to introduce the subsection or topic of “Our Team”. The content within the <h3> element provides a heading that is subordinate to both the main heading and any secondary headings present.

The use of <h3> allows for further division and organization of content within a section. It provides a hierarchical structure that helps users and search engines understand the relationship between different headings and sections of the webpage.

As with other heading elements, it is important to use <h3> in a structured manner, maintaining a consistent hierarchy throughout the document. This approach improves the accessibility and usability of the webpage, as assistive technologies rely on heading levels to navigate and understand the content.

Remember that the visual appearance of headings can be modified using CSS to match the design of the webpage. However, it is crucial to avoid using headings solely for styling purposes and to preserve the semantic meaning behind each heading level.

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