


The <h6> HTML element is used to define a senary heading within a web page or a subsection of content. It represents a subheading that carries the least prominence among all heading levels, including the main heading (<h1>), secondary heading (<h2>), tertiary heading (<h3>), quaternary heading (<h4>), and quinary heading (<h5>).

Here’s an example of how to use the <h6> element:

<h6>Related Links</h6>

In this example, the <h6> element is used to introduce the subsection or topic of “Related Links”. The content within the <h6> element provides a heading that is subordinate to higher-level headings.

The use of <h6> allows for further subdivision and categorization of content within a section, offering a more detailed hierarchy of headings. It helps in organizing and structuring the content of the webpage, making it easier for users and search engines to understand the relationships between different sections.

It is important to maintain a structured and consistent use of headings throughout the document, following the hierarchy from <h1> to <h6>. This promotes accessibility and allows assistive technologies to navigate and comprehend the content more effectively.

While the visual appearance of headings can be customized using CSS, it is crucial to preserve the semantic meaning of the headings and avoid using them solely for stylistic purposes.

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